Honestly, to me, publicly announcing anything related to Clickaformer is like a joke at this point

It has been in development for over a year at this point, and it’s still nowhere near release. But, I am actually making some progress on it for once, and I wanted to share it.

Completely remade

The project was started somewhere in February 2022, but the current iteration was started in late December 2022. I mostly didn’t like how a lot of things were made in the original. The player movement script was a complete joke as well. I felt like I could do better, considering I got a lot of programming, and gamedev experience throughout the year, and I did.

Throughout the post I will refer to the original version as v1 and to the current version as v2 for simplicity’s sake.

It’s got style

I never noticed it until it was too late but I kind of started to develop an artstyle for it as well. It’s mostly just 2 colors per sprite, with most being black and white, allowing me to kind of make them all the same style.

One thing that breaks that are the buttons. I made their outlines shift hue, and I think it looks better. I couldn’t really decide on the exact color, and I think the buttons are the most important objects, so, giving them a recognizable outline sounded good to me.

Overall, it’s really simplistic, and doesn’t require me to do TOO much drawing (which I suck at). Yet, I still feel like it is unique from other games, especially when combined with the level design.

Level making

For v1 I first just manually placed rectangles, then I started using tilemaps for ground and walls.

Nothing really changed from there, I use a tilemap to map out the solid geometry like ground and walls. Then I manually place things like spikes, buttons, platforms, etc.

Levels are mostly enclosed areas, with pits, in which the player can fall, and most of the times die.

Other stuff

This is a section dedicated to smaller things in no particular order

  • The player movement is remade using the new input system, and I made it feel less floaty then v1.
  • I added some small lore snippets in every level.


I am making progress. Slowly, but surely. It’s honestly a nice break from working on Cube, because I am the only dev and I can really just make whatever game I want to.

Hopefully, one day I will release Clickaformer, and I hope, it’s gonna be something I am proud of.